
Below you find the recent updates and changes to the Posterly app.

Infrastructure updates

We've moved the app to new and bigger servers to improve the performance.

Minor updates

This version contains minor updates and improvements. We've also switched to a new version of Shopify APIs.

Support for multi-language 🇬🇧🇩🇪🇫🇷

Posterly now supports multi-langauge. We will fetch translated content through Shopify automatically for you. So if you have translated your content it will show up correctly in Posterly.

We recommend using the Shopify Translate and Adapt app to translating your products and pages.

Additionally you can use the T-Lab app to translate specific editor pages in Posterly, if you need to translate the Custom Input fields of a design.

Cart improvement

Now when a customer click the change link for a design in the cart, the existing product in the cart will be updated, instead of adding a new one.


  • Updates to design already in cart will replace them, not add a new one.


  • Resize issue with preview fixed

Customer facing editor improvements

We've updated the customer facing editor with some new improvements that should improve conversion rate on your store.


  • Mobile step-by-step guide now supports product picker being placed as the last step
  • Mobile step-by-step guide now includes the design picker drop down if enabled in your settings
  • Mockup generator can now create shopify products with prefilled custom fields customizations


  • Issue with print files for star maps has been fixed
  • Custom fields did not updated correctly when linked to other custom fields on first click

Add your own mockups

We've used the last couple of months to do a major overhaul of the backend systems of the app. This benefits our merchants with a lot of new features.

You can now upload your own mockups and give your customers a better impression of their design on the actual product. Photo on a coffee mug, print on a t-shirt, or a phone cover with your design on it? It can all be done inside the base products section of the app.

Read more about product mockups here


  • Add mockup images to the editor for all product types

Customer rendered previews open beta

One of the most requested features was support for special characters and emojis. We've fixed this by rendering the final prints on the customers device. A benefit to this approach is that the print files are not queued for processing and are ready for download and fulfillment instantaneously.

Only known limitation is that iOS devices (iPad and iPhones) have a limit of 4096 x 4096 pixels, while Posterly in general has a 6000 x 6000 pixels size limit to the print files. Print files made on MacOS, Windows and Android devices will still output files in up to 6000 x 6000 pixels.

The beta can be enabled in the Design Studio settings of Posterly.


  • Beta: We've added support for emojis 🎉 in designs!
  • Beta: We've added support for non-latin characters (海报 etc.) in designs!
  • Beta: Instant generation of print files


  • Updated to newest version of Shopifys App Bridge - to improve load time.
  • Updated to the new Fulfillment Orders system in Shopify

January updates


  • Design Studio Editor now allows dragging and resizing elements using the mouse

End of year updates

The year is comming to an end, and we've just updated the app's integration with Shopify.


  • Upgraded to latest version of Shopify App Bridge 3.5
  • Upgraded to a newer version of the Shopify API

December updates


  • Added support for static maps without mapbox showing up
  • Added support for multi-language routing to cart or checkout while preserving the selected langauge


  • Multiline texts sometimes overlapped each other
  • Speed improvements in design calculations
  • With some designs the Open Street Map attribution was not shown, another one was added to the footer.

November updates


  • Keyboard lag when typing has been fixed, now running more smooth on mobile

🎃 October updates

We've introduced a new mockup tool that replaces the old one in the Design Studio. Now admins can generate full size print files directly from the editor that the customers use. This is handy if you have orders from Etsy or other market places outside of Shopify, that you need to get a full size print file for. This means you do not have to place an order with a discount code any more!


  • Mockup mode lets you download full size print files directly from the design editor


  • Adeed support for new Printful API authorization
  • Product images in Shopify now updates if your design changes

September updates


  • Now certain design elements can be hidden in the print file, useful for mockups etc.
  • Design Studio now opens in full screen mode
  • Image upload cropper tool can now be disabled in Design Studio settings


  • Location search results improved
  • Google maps API improved
  • Mobile editor now scrolls to top on each step to improve conversions
  • Some Android phones had issues with searching

July updates

Now you can link any Shopify product to a Posterly base-product. This way when a design is added to the cart, Posterly will add the product you link to the cart instead.


  • 🔥 Image uploads now support cropping and resizign!
  • Support for adding any Shopify product to the cart
  • Preview of the design now scrolls down with the browser on desktops


  • Loading indicator was missing on some themes
  • Design preview in the cart had no max width
  • Issue with missing map style when searching fixed
  • Pitch problems with maps on mobile phones fixed

June updates

June updates to Posterly are as follows:


  • Choose between 63 languages for location search and date formats, or let the app choose it automatically based on the users browser language.


  • Map zoom controls are now always visible.

    May updates

    Improvements has been made to the base-products area of the app.


    • Base products can now be arranged in the list


    • Base products can't have the same name


    • Posterly Fulfillment Network has been deprecated for new customers, we recommend using the direct integration with Gelato or Printful instead

    April updates

    April has been used to fix a bunch of bugs, and mobile improvements.


    • Zapier integration now includes Shopify order ID and name
    • Mobile step-by-step now includes a select product step


    • Addign existing products to cart, some times did not work
    • Resizing issue with mapbox element not fitting correctly on load
    • Date fields had the possibility to fill in anything that was not dates
    • Hidden fields now works in step-by-step on mobile
    • Location search results always changed the zoom level to 12, now it stays unchanged

    February updates

    We've added two new templates called "Custom Quote" that lets your customers make their own qoute products, as well as a "Personal Photo Collage" template. The templates can be seen here on our demo store.


    • New template called custom qoutes
    • New template called personal photo collage
    • New date formats added to the list


    • Small bug in the new time custom field type was fixed
    • Custom field names are now auto fixing format
    • Star thickness can now be toggled

    January updates

    We've used the month of january to add support for a new custom field type called time! Now a time parameter can be added to star maps and zodiac signs to increase the detail levels of the night sky.


    • Time Custom Field type has been added, both support for 24 and 12 hour clock


    • Flickerign in the list of connected Shopify products has been fixed
    Getting Started
    Product Features
    Custom Input Fields
    Design Elements